Being absorbed in the festive spirit, long awaited bonfire festival of Lohri was celebrated with utmost joy at Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana. Creative and literary activities Kite Making, Music and Dance competitions introduced all with the legends associated with Lohri. On this cheerful festival of Punjab the students displayed the great grandeur of the Day. Because of the harmful effects of the China Dor, the students messaged all not to use the same for flying kites by putting messages on kites. Taking an enlightening session on Boycott China Dor, Empower India, Mrs Geeta Verma spoke on the importance of boycotting China-made kites . Familiarizing students with India's rich kite-making heritage she encouraged them to adopt eco-friendly kite-making practices.Celebrating the Birth Anniversary of the Maker of Modern India-Swami Vivekanand Ji, the students paid homage to this great leader in a befitting manner.
Emphasizing on the importance of traditions in life,Principal Mrs.Ranju Mangal congratulated all on this festival of togetherness and motivated the students to follow the teachings of Swami Vivekanand Ji.