It is a matter of honour for BVM Trust, Principal, teachers and parents that Mridul Bhaskar a student of class XI who had appeared in 13th SOF NATIONAL CYBER OLYMPIAD, 2014 and has got international rank-2. He was honoured by Mr. Dipak Mishra, Justice Supreme Court of India in a function held at Chinmaya Mission, Lodhi Road, New Delhi on 22nd June 2014. There he was awarded Rs.25,000/-, a Silver Medal, a certificate, a gift hamper, a CD and an annual subscription of knowledge BBC magazine.
Millions of students from 27000 schools spreaded over 1350 cities from 16 countries appeared in this Olympiad.
At this award ceremony Guests Of Honour-Prof. YS Rajan, Honorary Distinguished Professor ISRO and Chairman NIT Manipur and Richard Everitt Director Education, British Council India, Mrs. Suprama Mishra, Mr. Vijay Shukla, Mr.Mahabir Singh, Executive Director and Founder, SOF, Mr.Narindra Virmani, Chairman ,SOF were also present.
Principal Mrs.Neelam Mittar, Vice Principal Mrs.Upasna Modgil and Members of Trust congratulated him & wished the highest heights of every success for him.