Working on the measures of reducing exploitation of non-renewable resources in the city being worstly affected by air pollution which is mainly due to the exhaust of the autos ,Tinkers of Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Kitchlu Nagar Ludhiana launched a project named “SOLAR BOT- A renewable energy robot in vehicles”. Raunaq Jain and Preeti Gaba prepared their prototype “SOLAR BOT” with scientific talents and innovative ideas by trapping solar radiations through solar panel. This prototype is based on mechanism of trapping solar radiations with the help of solar panel that convert them into stored energy .With the help of DIODES the battery gets recharged. They developed a prototype using two medium motors and four light sensors programmed under the ambient light reflector which moves the motor in rotationary and revolutionary direction for tracing sun’s position. As being non-polluting ,eco-friendly, more reliable device with low maintenance and working cost approximately Rs.35000/- per annum which is far less than the present cost costed by the use of petrol and diesel i.e. about Rs.1 lakh per annum can bring beneficial effects.
Principal Mrs. Neelam Mittar appreciated the efforts of the team as a step towards pollution free city.