Unleashing a vigorous war against drugs the students of Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School, Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana educated the society about drug dangers. As catalysts of social awareness, the students formed a healthy hand chain against Drug Abuse. Being engaged in bringing a paradigm shift for the betterment of all, the students depicted their full social involvement and school spirit through posters, banners and hangings. They highly condemned the use of drugs as the future of young generation is at stake because of their increasing use.
The school is determined to strengthen actions to achieve the goal of drug free society – said Principal Mrs.Neelam Mittar.
Unleashing a vigorous war against drugs the students of Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School, Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana educated the society about drug dangers. As catalysts of social awareness, the students formed a healthy hand chain against Drug Abuse. Being engaged in bringing a paradigm shift for the betterment of all, the students depicted their full social involvement and school spirit through posters, banners and hangings. They highly condemned the use of drugs as the future of young generation is at stake because of their increasing use.
The school is determined to strengthen actions to achieve the goal of drug free society – said Principal Mrs.Neelam Mittar.