Continuing the fight to save water with renewed vigor recognizing the value of Water Conservation, a seminar was organized at BVM Kitchlu Nagar Ludhiana on water conservation. As water pollution is constantly damaging our eco-system disturbing well balanced surface equality, videos regarding creating water bodies a garbage glut due to increasing consumerism were shown to all making them aware about the need of water purification and conservation. Humans as eco-destroying agents pollute water by throwing staggering amount of refuse like plastic bags and plastic waste which should be avoided at any cost-said Resource Person Mr Chirag Kalra.
He also shared various policies and plans to sustainably manage this highly required natural resource and hydrosphere to meet current and future needs. Efficient use of water to reduce unnecessary wastage was centered as key point of the seminar. Principal Mrs Neelam Mittar thanked the Resource Person for sharing such eco friendly ideas regarding reducing water wastage.