Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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National Girl Child day observed « 24/Jan/2020

National Girl Child day observed
Promoting Girl Child Welfare in various aspects BVM Kitchlu Nagar observed National Girl Child day. Acquainting students about the discrimination faced by girls all were exhorted to build a better society enhancing opportunities for girls elevating their position in society .
 To redefine and refocus on equality and justice bringing complete shift in the basic thought of society is urgently needed.
Raising awareness about the gender inequality and challenges the girls face, An Awareness Rally was organized .
Reflecting the successful emergence of girls as distinct cohort to inspire, break boundaries and move ahead the girls from primary wing came dressed as Inspirational female power of the nation.
Addressing the girls, Principal Mrs. Neelam Mittar said- Never doubt your powers of pursuing and achieving dreams and leading the world.