August 8, 2015- BVM Kitchlu Nagar in association with Human Rights Youth Club organized a seminar on ‘Let’s Do Something for Humanity’. A very informative and meaningful session themed on awareness of Traffic Rules headed by Dr.Richa Agnihotri ACP Traffic Police and Traffic Expert -S.Sukhdev Singh ji was full of awareness and information for all present. This traffic awareness drive sensitized the students on burning issue of following traffic rules. Advocating the proper implementation of traffic rules S.Sukhdev Singh made the students aware of the current data regarding road accidents and also motivated them to be away from extravagancies and to lead towards right path in right way.
ACP Ms.Richa Agnihotri titled the students as future leaders of every sphere who need to be highly aware, responsible and sensitive. She also showed thought provoking slides on road safety as roads, drivers and vehicles are primarily concerned with traffic rules. The major issues like licensing, registering, insurance, cautionary, obligatory and informatory signs were stressed. Sh. Manoj Gupta ji Manager all branches of BVM, Principal Mrs.Neelam Mittar honoured the esteemed guests. Sh. P.C.Goyal ji secretary B.V.M. Trust paid high words of gratitude to the worthy guests and ensured hundred percent co-operation on behalf of school authorities to Traffic Police Ludhiana.