Creating awareness through chain system regarding preventive and curative measures to end diseases like Dengue, Malaria and Chikungunya Mrs Geeta Verma from BVM Kitchlu Nagar delivered a Health Awareness Lecture sensitizing students about various symptoms and preventions by thoroughly explaining available remedies. Pamphlets were also distributed among the students to get them one with the basic practices of living a healthy life. She suggested to avoid water stagnation, mosquito breeding and guided wearing clothes with full sleeves, using mosquito sprays, observing every Friday as Dry day with special cleanliness of areas prone to waterlogging as the major cause of this hazardous diseases. Students were guided how to be healthier and happier with conscious and caring attitude. Maintaining healthy and clean environment was taken as -Key to success over mosquito-borne diseases control program.
Knowledge, Awareness and Preventive Practices are a few simple steps to keep these diseases at bay, So be safe and vigilant -guided Principal Mrs Neelam Mittar to the students.