With unstinting participation of 21 teams of both boys and girls from West Bengal, Rajasthan, Tamilnadu, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and Bihar Three Days' 7 th Senior National Federation Cup, 13 th Junior National Fistball Championship organised by Punjab Fistball Federation at Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School, Kitchlu Nagar Ludhiana came to stunning closing today. Sh. Karm Singh Kamra, President Fistball Federation India ( FFI), Sh. Bala Vinayankam, General Secretary F.F.I, Sh. Prem Singh , Treasurer, F.F.I, Mrs Neelam Mittar ( Principal, BVM Kitchlu Nagar), Mr Rajesh Kumar ( Vice Principal) and Mr Bhav Kansal ( E.O.) were the main excellencies present. The event witnessed meticulous arrangements platforming gaming skills in frolicsome atmosphere. Championship of National Level Champions ended with felicitation of winning teams by S.H.O. S. Balwinder Singh International Athlete , National Champion of Steeplechase. The Championship culminated with lowering of flag and singing of Vande Matram.
Overall Champions-
*Men Senior*
2. Rajasthan
3. Chandigarh
*Women Senior*
*Junior boys*
1.West Bengal
*Junior Girls*
2.West Bengal