Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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BVM Kitchlu Nagar Leading Winner in Space Technology and Overall Third Rank Achiever with 2100 cash prize in Technovenza 2022 « 23/Aug/2022

Unveiling the scientific talent Performing perfectly in  missioned assignment- Techno Venza 2022 by BCM Foundation, going smarter in the era of space exploration, *Tanmay Parashar from BVM Kitchlu Nagar was declared  First Prize Holder in Space Technology*  Competition beating all other strugglers and the School triumphed Third Position for Innovative Participation amongst 33 renowned schools inTechnology’s  inevitable march getting cash prize of Rs 2100.
Principal Mrs Neelem Mittar applauded Tanmay and Team ATL for this notable victory.