Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana, celebrated Indian Constitution Day, honoring Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's visionary legacy. The school reaffirmed its commitment to uphold the Constitution's values, reading the Preamble and pledging allegiance to fundamental duties. Students showcased their creativity through various competitions, including Preamble Writing, Seminar, Quiz Contest, Declamation and Poster Making. Celebrating Constitutional values and fundamentals of the Indian Constitution. After introducing the journey of our constitution from the very history to present ,Reading the Preamble to the Constitution and reaffirming the commitment to uphold its ideology BVM family saluted the prominent values of our Samvidhan, The school echoed with the words “We the people of India" reinforcing the significance of democracy. Adding ideas and innovations to the day, students presented their thoughtful reflections and visionary vision.NCC cadets marked Constitution Day with enthusiasm and respect, participating in various events to honor the adoption of the Indian Constitution by organizing awareness campaigns, highlighting fundamental rights and duties among students.
Principal Mrs. Ranju Mangal congratulated all, emphasizing the importance of strengthening Indian democracy.