Bhartiya Vidya Mandir Kitchlu Nagar, Ludhiana, witnessed a kaleidoscope of cultural performances as Balvatikans presented a mesmerizing class presentation. The event commenced with a soulful Ganesh Vandana, invoking blessings for wisdom and success. A heartwarming skit emphasizing the importance of family bonds and love followed, leaving the audience enchanted. The young performers then regaled the august gathering of more than 550 parents with captivating enactment of Krishna Rasleela, transporting them to the divine realm of Vrindavan. The event also showcased energetic Western and folk dance performances, with the tiny tots dazzling the audience with their well-coordinated moves and fantastic costumes.
Principal Mrs. Ranju Mangal applauded the students and teachers for their efforts, praising the event for promoting cultural values and providing a platform for young talents to shine.