Bhartiya Vidya Mandir, Kitchlu Nagar, has yet again made its mark in another event. LOVISHA GOEL of Class 8 secured the First Prize, was presented with a trophy, along with a cash award of ₹5,100, while LAVISH of Class 8 received a Consolation Prize and ₹500 in the Swami Vivekananda Naitik Shiksha Pratiyogita. The competition, organized by Prerna Peeth, Ludhiana, aimed to promote moral values and ethics among students.
The students' mentor, Ms. Parveen Kumari (TGT Science), was also felicitated with a cash reward of ₹3,100 along with a trophy for her guidance and motivation.
The event held at Guru Nanak Dev Bhavan witnessed a cultural performance by 18 students from the school who received certificates and mementos
Over 100 schools from across the city participated in this prestigious competition, making this achievement all the more notable.
Principal Mrs. Ranju Mangal congratulated the students on their achievement, saying, "This accomplishment is a testament to the students' hard work and dedication, as well as the school's commitment to fostering academic excellence and moral values."